Georgia seceded from the union January 19, 1861. It had a Secession Convention. This was when secessionists wanted Georgia to secede from the union, and cooperationists wanted Georgia to stay in the union. Georgia had to have a state-wide vote, but it was not unanimous. Most of the other states made theirs confidential. Alexander Stephens was a key figure during the whole civil war, he was originally not too sure on what to do from the secession. He supported the Compromise of 1850 as long as the north passed the fugitive slave law. Alexander Stephens realized that secession was going to happen with or without his vote and he was chosen to be the Vice President of the Confederacy.

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    Jacq Flash(Me)

    Hi!!! I'm Jacq Flash. I am an 8th Grader at Sutton Middle School.


    January 2014

