The attack on Fort Sumter was the start to a new war the US civil war. The south had an opportunity to not attack the fort but they decided to attack it. This was now the first battle of the civil war. After the attack on Fort Sumter, President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers for the military.  He authorized spending money for the war and he suspended the privilege of the right of habeas corpus; it was only suspended to non-US citizens meaning the confederates. Bull Run was the first real battle of the civil war. It took place on July 21, 1861. This battle had the famous Stonewall Jackson general and General Winfield Scott. This battle is important to the civil war because the north had a high esteem and because of this congress members and really high up people in the government came to the battle to watch as if it was a sporting event. The confederacy won with 2000 confederate casualties, 387 killed. The union had 3000 casualties, 460 killed. After the union lost they realized that if they wanted to win this war they would have to step up their game.

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    Jacq Flash(Me)

    Hi!!! I'm Jacq Flash. I am an 8th Grader at Sutton Middle School.


    January 2014

